If you’re waiting for something to happen sometime after December 22 you might see some action. This lunation is on the solstice point and for that reason can pack a wallop. The combined influence of Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Venus and Pluto makes you feel you are coming and going and going and coming again.

The Full Moon has the promise of action and disruption followed by restraint and illusion then blasted by some nuclear thing that has a boomerang momentum. More to come on the Trump et al front. The surprise event of some mystery guest taking a star turn and more to the point the next Mueller shoe dropping will make this a Christmas to never forget.

If you have been waiting for something to happen this might be it. If you’ve been waiting to: get paid, hear about a job or a critical interview, get news about a beloved, the other shoe to drop, the results of a test, the ending of some long endless process, if he or she loves you, your time is here. The Full Moon brings some critical something to a head. Just be prepared for the thing to go in a variety of inexplicable and irrational and unpredictable directions.

Setting up for the Eclipses in January, there is a hushed moment before. What will the moment bring? The Markets are volatile and unsteady and will continue to rise and fall and fall. Real estate will steadily correct and then descend this year. The government will implode and explode with Mr. President Trump continuing his Titanic behavior. The instability and mental gyrations he goes through will get more frenetic before he exhausts himself.

This period brings times that are celebratory then just as quickly plunge to feelings of despair and purposelessness. To offset the astrology of the time, maintain a countenance that is unequivocal and non-reactive. Watch how all the ghosts dance on the head of a pin. Things you have not done, not said or said too much come back. Self-critique and desire to get back at another with resentments nurtured and attitudes you cannot shake come at you. Be Zen, be calm and don’t get provoked.

Mercury catches up to itself on Christmas. What was unforgivable or misunderstood suddenly passes. Venus comes back to itself on December 18. The questions about love and attraction get clearer. You know what love means or what you desire for the time being. The old excitement and drama of the hidden third party passes temporarily. Between December 31 and the beginning of January the full impact of what Saturn means for 2019 is clearer. Money and the markets and politics will have a debt to pay this year.

Tune in for our 2019 newsletter. I want to thank all the people who have sent their good wishes and comments to me through the year. I appreciate your readership and your acknowledgment. Have a great and happy holiday. The Chinese New Year is around the corner. Pay attention to what happens before January 1.  The end is no different than the beginning and tells the whole story.




ARIES has the sleepless nights and overthinking ghost of Christmas Past bothering you. You keep thinking about what went wrong and how you could have avoided it if only you had noticed it happening. The overthinking and over working don’t seem to add up. Resentments blow up into a big balloon of aches and pains and bad feelings. Stop the madness of trying to only please another. Be true to you.

The Full Moon makes the family and home a place of agitation, duty and power plays. You don’t have to participate in the things that grab you on the guilt level. Try a new tact, give what you can and remember you are just one person. You are not one stop shopping. Enjoy peace within when family keeps the line dance going. Rest and don’t reanimate any behavior you don’t like. March can’t come soon enough.


TAURUS has anxiety about the Unknown and how to control it. You keep trying to figure out how to communicate a difficult emotional truth and balance your truth with another’s reality. Money and the family dominate the picture. The same old cast of characters are still up their old tricks. Nothing seems to change. Yet the dawning of a new way to handle everything is getting clearer.

The Full Moon brings some issue with siblings to a head. If they have been angry, pugilistic and resentful then take a step back. If they are forthcoming and open take a step forward. Coming with an “ask” that is out of reality and/or self- involved, expect a Christmas Ghost story that is another sad and angry tale about being wronged or cheated or misunderstood. Try to not spend a lot of time making sense of nonsense. Some power play about money or inheritance or responsibility is on the door. Kick the can down the lane.


GEMINI has the added irritant of some work project going on and on. Your overamped schedule is too big to coordinate all the demands of family and work. This holiday you won’t rest too much. Due to Mars you are circling some new model of accomplishment yet the closure keeps getting extended. The Ghost of Christmas future wants to expand in a totally new way with an upgrade on all fronts.

The Full Moon in Cancer brings that money and resource angst to the surface. The worry and fear that you don’t have enough time or money or energy is toe to toe with needing to change the routine. Friends are not so sympathetic. They might go on and on about their pain and their problems and themselves. Anger moves into reaction then avoidance then obsessing. Refocus on what you need. You can be sensitive to others but remember to remember yourself.


CANCER is dreaming about the future. You get angry about too many tasks and commitments and feel tired or poor or overextended. The nuclear blast comes and might go off on someone or on you. Then you feel the Guilt. Try to access that endurance that Cancer is known for. This has been a hard year full of tests of patience and perseverance and energy. You have struggled and still are hanging in there. The Ghost of Christmas future cautions against too much overperforming.

The Full Moon in Cancer resets your balance. The emotional body needs rest from everything and everyone. Don’t shortchange yourself on time spent doing nothing. The irritation and volatility and depression and closing the iron door will keep repeating until you give yourself the benefit of your own company. The marathon race is over. You can relax and not go to jail. Let the partnership house restructure into a whole new form.


LEO has that electric current of energy pulsing through you and it’s not stopping. The money/power/psychic draw of it all makes travel and exploring new vistas a big deal. The stress of how your ego suffered a few blows recently is turning a corner. Leo is strangely retributive. You will wait but get someone back if they disrespect.  The Ghost of Christmas Past might find something still lingering.

The Full Moon makes that love affair or secret desire whether it be endless chocolate or exotic romance a reality. First you get enticed then when the thunderbolt hits you worry about rejection or boredom then you either devour, are devoured or withhold. You are a complex person full of secrets and memories and taboos. The Full Moon might be about money or personal value. Your internal process is about to be exposed. Take your time and do not act on impulse. Be a mountain not a molehill.


VIRGO is experiencing your world or the Other’s world with too many questions and too much opposition. You have been through some feat and need to recover. The money/debt/power thing just won’t come together enough for you to relax and see the light at the end of the tunnel. For the time being its work, work, work.  The Ghost of Christmas past advises you to consider the direction you’re going in and the consequence of choice.

The Full Moon in your ideals sector brings a dream to a head around a group or the interaction of friends and colleagues. A friend might be testing you by being passive aggressive, then inspiring, then supportive, then abandoning you. If you don’t know where you stand with someone ask them. Being direct now is golden. So is silence.


LIBRA wants the year to end and be done. A hard year with business that was up and down and then up again, you are looking for the solace of security and consistency. The money and career option is still up for grabs. Your Other or client or partner is anything but settled. Wait until March to know which way the wind blows. The Ghost of Christmas Past will visit with the gift of empathy for a beloved pet.

The Full Moon at the top of the chart makes your career and reputation need more focus. Agitation and moments of chaos and internal strategizing go on and on. Your career will be more regulated after the Spring. Have a holiday that draws family close. The next year things will be more far flung and blue sky for you all.


SCORPIO has the desire for family to get along and be happy. Yet something or someone is gone or going. The challenge of keeping everything real and harmonious and peaceful is matched by those feelings that just don’t move on. The mind is capricious and extreme. One minute you’re up and then suddenly down. Work should be flourishing. The Ghost of Christmas Past wants you to say good bye to the old comfort zone. Magnetize something that you doubt can be manifested.

The Full Moon wants your love life/love affair/creative juices to flow. The changeable nature of this aspect periodically desires, is impulsive, detaches, freezes and then lights a fire. You might consider that a short trip will shake things up. Your psyche is suddenly bending and flexible. Spirituality moves to a new phase. The clean -up crew is waiting in the wings to help purify the fears that have held you hostage. This holiday roar and then rest and reset.


SAGITTARIUS is aggravated by a situation at home. There is something going on with the family or the home life that is passively keeping you from realizing a dream. The love life or love of your life is hiding or retreating from an emotional fire storm. They must face themselves while you stand by. Support the beloved but remember to not fight their battles. The Ghost of Christmas Past wants to splurge with something big but cautions against too much too soon.

The Full Moon in the house of debt and big money brings to a head any project. You are antsy with ideas to plans to strategy to power moves. Your past habit is to jump in where angels fear to tread.  You got to move on something this year. Jupiter brings the blessing of luck. Learn to focus your x-ray vision so you don’t hover but grow.


CAPRICORN’s moment is approaching. The month before the big Eclipse in Capricorn prepares you to see the writing on the wall and hatch a new plan. This next year brings Saturn full cycle. If you have avoided or “forgotten” about yourself the consequence will manifest soon. If you have acted on what life has offered you just might flourish. The Ghost of Christmas Past advises caution and quiet confidence.

The Full Moon promises that your partnership house will go through many changes. Maybe hot maybe volatile, maybe sad, maybe withdrawn, maybe brooding or waiting for a rebirth, your job is to be the Companion with every step. The emotional moodiness that is your defense needs to go. This year Saturn will have no patience with sidestepping. Your identity is strengthening if you let it.


Aquarius has a lot of energy regarding money and resources and how you might be investing in a fantasy. Make sure your dream is in the here and now and doesn’t allow you to escape from your reality no matter how non-dramatic. Overthinking and going away for a brief mental vacation doesn’t serve you or anyone. The hidden price you pay might add up to a lot of anxiety and nervous stress.

The Full Moon in your house of health and routine makes something from the last six months come to a head. You might go through stages of being highly motivated then manic then overwhelmed then want to just walk away. First consider what was the initial emotion that started this ball rolling? You are at the high end of some breakthrough. Go through the process with eyes wide open.


PISCES has the get up and go of passion, desire, competition and vitality. Your energy is on high. Use it well. Set up exercise programs and work plans for the next two years. You can take offence at almost anything now so go slowly with reactions. Easy to be on fire and get fired up.

The Full Moon in Cancer makes for the love/romance sector to come alive periodically with desire, sexual magnetism, disappointment. and obsession. Don’t overthink about you don’t have; look at what you have and remember to be grateful. Neptune rules music, art, spirituality and dreams. Try to focus on the positive side of Neptune and tend to your emotional life. Don’t go back to old habits out of boredom or loneliness. The planets inspire you to go beyond yourself. Go there.


Tanda Tashjian

December 14, 2018


***Beginning December 15th this blog will no longer be active on WordPress. Please continue to follow the bi-monthly newsletter on my new website at You can also find the newsletter on  our Facebook page.***

The cracks are starting to show. In the economy, government, environment and with Mr. President Trump. Getting ready for the Eclipse in January, all the good times suddenly are not rolling and all the bills that were going to get paid are about to come due.

If you forgot to prepare for an exam you could forget about it for a while and really think you were going to get away with it. Then the day came. You were found out. This period is the same. If you have forgotten to prepare you will feel it. Saturn catching up with Pluto brings all that was put on hold come due. Personally, and publicly.

The environmental scare is scary. It’s either a planetary event or an event on the planet that will make us need to pull together to survive. But first there are a few more events.

Mr. President Trump is preparing the ground for his good-bye tour. After his attempt to politically assassinate Mueller and Rosenstein goes wrong, he will reassert all the good he has accomplished and remind us that the world is not ready for his particular brand of brilliance. When he can fight no more, he will disappear himself with a shrug of the shoulders and grandly walk into a golden sunset. He cannot risk the exposure that Mueller is about to show.

As Mercury goes direct on December 6 we go back and forth with more confusion and catch up. The last Full Moon on November 22 brought some crucial issues to the forefront which distract us through Christmas. On a personal front if you are waiting to buy a dryer or a phone, wait some more until December 6, ideally until December 25.

The New Moon on December 6 brings the dewy promise of illusion and the backlash of anger. The Sun and Moon in Sagittarius is squared by Mars and Neptune. The promise of something out of this world grates against the anger of what is. Watch out for too much, too rich or too good to be true. Whatever the promise, it is augmented with extravagance or escapism and a passive rage with underlying torrents.

Be aware of any come-on that seems too good to be true because it will prove to not be. Romance, business and negotiation starts out strong and ends with a passive aggressive reaction. Do not accept things on face value and don’t be massaged into agreeing with something that you know is off.

Chiron at the end of its cycle propels you to wonder what you are doing and why – and why bother. It’s not exactly depression but feels like a depression going around in circles. You might feel defeated or tired or just overwhelmed. Sit back and meditate – or contemplate or dream…  Or watch movies, eat chocolate and shop online. Indulge yourself but not too much; there are bigger fish to fry.

The Markets will dip and come back for a short time. This starts a period of volatility that affects real estate and powers a financial correction that progressively becomes more serious as 2019 goes on.

There might be another big weather/earth crisis that involves an extensive loss of power and a slow recovery. The fact of global warming is a fact. The need for us to bond together to get something done to arrest the destruction that has been loosed is more immediate. Many older people and facilities will not function in the wake of this event. The extremes of heat and cold and rain and snow will prove all the naysayers wrong. Just be sure to be on the right side of the weather this winter. Have an escape plan and be prepared for more problems in 2019. The planet is instant messaging us. Let’s listen and act on what is obvious. No matter how chaotic or distracting the White House is, be strong about our home and survival. The gods are stirred up. Let’s make peace and put everything back in balance in our own life as a stepping stone to bigger things that are coming.

The mess that is Washington gets messier. As Mercury gets going, the real story will begin to emerge between now and Christmas. Expect more distractions, more pronouncements, and less reality. In the end, Mr. President Trump will step down before he is confronted. Good that the military does not belong to the White House, good that the blue wave happened, good that Mueller is on it; what will be the next twist in a reality show that is playing out on every channel?




ARIES is having a semi tantrum and auto-destruct period. Mars in your 12th house makes you need to sleep off any unconscious rage that is misdirected and that you want to escape from. You cannot escape yourself. The New Moon makes you hopeful about love or travel. Yet you are still going over the anger and resentments of the last year. Any opportunities to deal with a passive-aggressive situation suddenly disappear. Mercury direct reflects an emotional debt not paid.

The New Moon makes you want to travel or getaway. Fantasy is not balanced by internal anger. It’s better to do martial arts or snack on carbs. Exercise and write in your journal about the offending party. Your next few months until March show you what is what in your life around anger vs. ideals. You’ve been here before. The next few months tell the tale. Get ahead of what doesn’t make sense. And correct where you have done or given too much to people that don’t appreciate you.


TAURUS has Mars in your house of friendship. Your ideal about a person is face-to-face with your illusion about them. The New Moon brings conflict about money, debt and decisions. The desire for freedom is matched by the reality of what you must do and accomplish every day. Overstressed in many areas of life, you are aware of the long, slow slog ahead. Hidden problems could emerge. Make your actions count.

The New Moon with Neptune and Mars temporarily affect your mood. Optimistic and then irritated, walk the middle line. Some issue with a partner/family member needs to be clarified; the mixed messages are flying. After Mercury goes direct you will get things that have to do with money straight. Catching up on the gerbil wheel, having a good life seems possible. The who am I? question comes back with no real answer. Get it together before March.


GEMINI has the New Moon opposed you. Partners/clients are alternately inspiring and maddening. Your resource house takes a hit wherever you have been out of reality. Authority and bosses give double messages. Mercury direct shows a work/health/pet condition that needs attention. The current expansion you are considering needs to be moderated by action that is balanced, idealized and real. Don’t go off on any tangents trying to help or work too much. Your instinct is activated. Listen to your gut but don’t walk off a cliff.

The desire to travel, leave your day job or buy the farm must be matched by what is the long game. Think about the future but don’t act like it’s here already. Any sore spot with a partner improves. The pretend part of your job is subtly driving you crazy. Get out and walk around. The friend/colleague that comes and offers help has an agenda. Believe in people, but listen to yourself. Sports and workouts relieve that gnawing feeling that makes you want to scream.


CANCER has the New Moon in your work house. A health or work condition improves but don’t move too fast. The idealistic dream still must deal with and process conflicts about your own or another’s authority. Partners are slow in learning how to reset wherever they took a nose dive. The lesson of partnership is grueling, needs patience and requires forgiveness. Expansion in work/health is followed by expectation and then reality. Emotionally, you go from despair to insight to redemption.

Mercury direct identifies the next stage of work or health interventions. Your deep, dark self resurfaces in another form and prepares for January’s face off. What you have forgotten returns, and any debt comes in another form to get paid. You might feel battered by some condition that is hard to comprehend. As Chiron finishes in Pisces, the big wheel turns and you get an answer.


LEO has the New Moon in your house of love/children. The positivity you currently feel is undercut by hopes and dreams and passive irritation. Your ideal self is sunny and positive, yet you feel achy and small. Someone dealt your ego a blow and the recovery is spotty. Try to accept a child or love interest as they are, with no embroidery.

Mercury direct makes for decisions about a property or home/office. Deep processing of a questionable interchange resets any confusion about another’s motivation and loyalty. You are working on making a move that changes the form or structure of your business or routine. This transition results in a change around expectations about the future. Your hidden feelings about someone close are not clear and hard to read. The next two weeks and six months ushers in a period of redefining your ideals about intimacy, meaning and power. Take it easy.


VIRGO has the New Moon in your house of the family and home. Your positive momentum might get sidelined by a partner’s/client’s confusion. Where are you are going? Discouragement that comes as a result of criticism from another can be a drag. The T-square on you from Mars, Neptune and the New Moon make a new start professionally necessary, but complicated and hard to plan.

Mercury direct makes for a series of precise decisions with resources, money and energy. Make what you offer count. Be simple and direct. The illusion that another will be there for you unconditionally makes for mistakes about your perception in the world. The issue is to do your work and redefine what your commitment to work is – no matter if someone is there applauding you or not. You are on the verge of understanding that dreams and projections are important to get you from point A to point B. Things seldom turn out the way our expectations imagine them as. Psychological maturity takes time but makes everything better. You can free yourself and open up to something within you that is high and real. When you stop wounding yourself with the illusion of being a victim, the progress you make is spectacular.


LIBRA has the New Moon in your house of decisions. Short trips and classes bring expansion and take the edge off the daily grind. Work and health are king now. Plan for the unexpected. Partners and clients are still unpredictable and take a few left turns. Mercury direct makes for some final decision about money. The house or home transforms as a result.

The long range of travel and the future is sunny, yet must be integrated with what happens next with the family. The surprise reveal with a love could shock or inspire. Your career moves forward, if you can stick to your ideals and trust yourself. The optimism you feel breaks the ice of the last six months when it seems like everything has been an uphill battle. The change coming in March relaxes the constant tension of the last 7 years. Sit back and plan your next move.


SCORPIO has the New Moon in your house of resources. The angle of conflict comes through children or romance. Any illusion you are incubating will have a repercussion in the next 6 months. Try to be real with children and your hopes for the future. Travel, and a new attitude about freedom, can release the old fear-mongering that holds you hostage.

Mars brings the dream of a faraway place. The educational aspect of life is about to prod you into a whole new study. An important person or relationship that is just beginning will be a source of much learning and growth. Stick with what is real. Any suffering from the past brings the same lesson; fantasy is a one-way street. After March, life goes on a wholly different path. Stimulating new people and a new environment bring a freedom you didn’t know existed. Your thought pattern around the past is nuclear.


SAGITTARIUS has the New Moon on you. You are motivated to go on a new adventure, yet you feel restrained by anger and hazy plans. The future means everything to Sagittarius. Your future is unclear and constantly changing. Your emotional bond with someone echoes the past, not the future, and your future needs a reboot. Relationship can be a way to not be alone – or an invitation into someone’s world. Let the future inspire a new reason to be with another.

Mars makes some wrong or reactive decisions when love and romance keep hitting the same note. Your home or house needs a revamping or purging. Burn some incense to release the patterns that keep compelling you. Your way of seeing things from the same perspective is becoming old. Questions about meaning and spirit keep cycling with no answer. Your next six months are a blend of action and escapism. Bring these two incongruous aspects you experience into a whole new incarnation. Luck is with you this year.


CAPRICORN has the New Moon in your 12th house. Any emotional secret you are hiding can be the basis of a new opportunity for growth. Your last six months have been limiting and sobering. You have given up on something or someone. Any remorse about what you left behind can weaken or transform you into a stronger person. The review from the last 13/14 and 28/29 years can knock you down. Your limits and mistakes stare back at you.

Agitation and fantastic thinking don’t go together. Anything around short travel or decisions about a home or sibling are a source of trouble and confusion. Feeling bad about yourself is a waste of energy. The upheaval you keep experiencing around a home, property or family problem will change in March. An unpredictable aspect of your life will change and the security you crave will return. Partners act like enemies with secrets or people that are from another planet. Keep to a routine and don’t cry into your soup. Everything goes around and comes around and then goes around again.


AQUARIUS has the New Moon in your house of friendship and colleagues. Someone is bugging you and not being truthful. Don’t take everything on faith. The emotional aspect of work/routine is beneficial but also maddening. Your support system seems to disappear when you go through a mini crisis. The angst you feel is a childhood flashback of problems unlived or unfelt.

Saturn makes any fears take hold. This feeling of being paralyzed is a continuing reaction. Your ruler, Uranus is at the end of its transit through March. A reveal about the last seven years surprises, and maybe shocks, you. It’s clearer why you stay stuck when you can just as easily be free. This koan needs to be meditated on. Why do you keep making the same mistake? Look at the past and how someone didn’t do right for themselves. Your heart unlocks when you forgive fate and the world for not seeing you more clearly.


PISCES has the New Moon in your house of career and the public. Anger and helplessness make for consistent conflict. You cannot decide what to focus on and what to do next. Either too many choices, or nothing. Organize the environment to be free of clutter. The daily routine gets easier when there’s less distraction.

Chiron is ending its transit through your sign. This 50-year transit through all the signs ends with Pisces. You are the one to make the next step up into a whole new consciousness. You can lead or lag behind. Release that victim consciousness that holds you back. A career expansion or opportunity might surprise and beckon. Try something new and maybe the pattern of being so alienated changes. You are a true wanderer. Let that free spirit guide you to the next opportunity. A partner gets closer or fades away. Take everything in stride.


Tanda Tashjian

November 30, 2018